Walking along pulling or carrying Kinesin protein walking on microtubule
A Day in the Life of a Motor Protein video
Published on Oct 19, 2013
The primary aim of the Hoogenraad research lab at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, is to understand how intracellular protein transport underlies the development and function of nerve cells. During this 5 min movie we follow John, a motor protein, who has to transport his package to the right destination in the nerve cell, illustrating the relevance and mechanisms of proper intracellular transport in the nervous system.
Permission to use this video is not required. When you use our materials in print, on the Web or in a video or audio format, we simply request that you credit the "Hoogenraad lab at the Utrecht University" and refer to our website at http://cellbiology.science.uu.nl
A Day in the Life of a Motor Protein video
Published on Oct 19, 2013
The primary aim of the Hoogenraad research lab at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, is to understand how intracellular protein transport underlies the development and function of nerve cells. During this 5 min movie we follow John, a motor protein, who has to transport his package to the right destination in the nerve cell, illustrating the relevance and mechanisms of proper intracellular transport in the nervous system.
Permission to use this video is not required. When you use our materials in print, on the Web or in a video or audio format, we simply request that you credit the "Hoogenraad lab at the Utrecht University" and refer to our website at http://cellbiology.science.uu.nl