‘From Asia With Love’; Renowned Artists Fumio Sawa & Sitt Nyein Aye Call Trinidad Colorado Home
In the 1800’s Arthur Roy Mitchell resided in Trinidad and capturing on canvas America’s rich heritage along the Santa Fe Trail. In the 21st Century renowned artists Sitt Nyein Aye (Burma) and Fumio Sawa (Japan) enjoy the afternoon, at Fumio’s Gallery in this historic community. Where Billy the Kid once roamed now strolls the Sofonisba Anguissola & Michael Angelo’s of the future.
There are many artists, artisans and imagineers within this region of the South West. Their genres are as unique as the art they evolve for there are no borders that restrict the flow of creativity that exists within this art colony. The mediums are equally unique as Mr. Sawa so described within the context of his work. He utilizes a computer as a medium but not to generate art. Finite details of his works reveal a very human element.
Classical Japanese paintings also adorn Fumio’s gallery including antique glass. I was amazed at the workmanship of the Bohemian Glass and other fine pieces. There was a story about one traditional Japanese bird painting (pictured above). Apparently Fumio was in the city with all the smog and dinginess when he noticed a gray and ash looking bird sitting on a ledge. Taken by the plight of this avian Fumio decided to honor the bird by painting him with his real colors in all it’s glory.
Then there is the enigmatic and reclusive Sitt Nyein Aye; Author, Artist Extraordinaire, Activist and Political Exile from Burma. Though he does not have a gallery at this time, he has presented some of his works in recent memory. With artistic provenance that intermingles with Burma’s turbulent past and present history, Sitt Nyein Aye also adds a hint of international intrigue to this eclectic collection of craftsmen, artisans, lovers and aficionados of fine art who call Trinidad home.
Fact is, this place is brimming with talent from a variety of genres that span the imagination. Small wonder Governor John Hickenlooper has an eye on this historic community. It’s as if a fog had lifted only to reveal a burgeoning Lilliputian community, teaming with life where anything can be an artfully creative medium, including your car. After all, this is the home of the Fabulous ArtoCade. Maybe you ought to see for yourself. No telling who you’ll bump into around here eh….
For More Information:
Fumio Sawa Fine Art
514 W. Main Street
Trinidad, Colorado, 81082
Tele: 719.680-8071
Sitt Nyein Aye
[email protected]
Burma’s Famous Natives
Gallery-Main/Trinidad Area Art Counsel
130 E. Main Street
Trinidad, Colorado 81082
Your Devil’s Advocate
Dividere la Storia
Legendary Burmese Activist/Artist Sitt Nyein Aye Appears in Trinidad, Colorado Art Gallery In "America's"
Sitt Nyein Aye, His Journey to Sitagu Buddhist Vihara Shwezigon Pagoda Projec In "Asia"
Sitt Nyein Aye in Amarillo Texas, Uncut In "America's"
This entry was posted on January 28, 2016 at 12:23 pm and is filed under Asia, US News with tags cultural news, fine art, artists in the news, galleries in the news, trinidad colorado news, southern colorado news, fine art news, Artocade news, Sitt Nyein Aye News, Fumio Sawa News
In the 1800’s Arthur Roy Mitchell resided in Trinidad and capturing on canvas America’s rich heritage along the Santa Fe Trail. In the 21st Century renowned artists Sitt Nyein Aye (Burma) and Fumio Sawa (Japan) enjoy the afternoon, at Fumio’s Gallery in this historic community. Where Billy the Kid once roamed now strolls the Sofonisba Anguissola & Michael Angelo’s of the future.
There are many artists, artisans and imagineers within this region of the South West. Their genres are as unique as the art they evolve for there are no borders that restrict the flow of creativity that exists within this art colony. The mediums are equally unique as Mr. Sawa so described within the context of his work. He utilizes a computer as a medium but not to generate art. Finite details of his works reveal a very human element.
Classical Japanese paintings also adorn Fumio’s gallery including antique glass. I was amazed at the workmanship of the Bohemian Glass and other fine pieces. There was a story about one traditional Japanese bird painting (pictured above). Apparently Fumio was in the city with all the smog and dinginess when he noticed a gray and ash looking bird sitting on a ledge. Taken by the plight of this avian Fumio decided to honor the bird by painting him with his real colors in all it’s glory.
Then there is the enigmatic and reclusive Sitt Nyein Aye; Author, Artist Extraordinaire, Activist and Political Exile from Burma. Though he does not have a gallery at this time, he has presented some of his works in recent memory. With artistic provenance that intermingles with Burma’s turbulent past and present history, Sitt Nyein Aye also adds a hint of international intrigue to this eclectic collection of craftsmen, artisans, lovers and aficionados of fine art who call Trinidad home.
Fact is, this place is brimming with talent from a variety of genres that span the imagination. Small wonder Governor John Hickenlooper has an eye on this historic community. It’s as if a fog had lifted only to reveal a burgeoning Lilliputian community, teaming with life where anything can be an artfully creative medium, including your car. After all, this is the home of the Fabulous ArtoCade. Maybe you ought to see for yourself. No telling who you’ll bump into around here eh….
For More Information:
Fumio Sawa Fine Art
514 W. Main Street
Trinidad, Colorado, 81082
Tele: 719.680-8071
Sitt Nyein Aye
[email protected]
Burma’s Famous Natives
Gallery-Main/Trinidad Area Art Counsel
130 E. Main Street
Trinidad, Colorado 81082
Your Devil’s Advocate
Dividere la Storia
Legendary Burmese Activist/Artist Sitt Nyein Aye Appears in Trinidad, Colorado Art Gallery In "America's"
Sitt Nyein Aye, His Journey to Sitagu Buddhist Vihara Shwezigon Pagoda Projec In "Asia"
Sitt Nyein Aye in Amarillo Texas, Uncut In "America's"
This entry was posted on January 28, 2016 at 12:23 pm and is filed under Asia, US News with tags cultural news, fine art, artists in the news, galleries in the news, trinidad colorado news, southern colorado news, fine art news, Artocade news, Sitt Nyein Aye News, Fumio Sawa News