Tesla promised J.P.Morgan that he can erect a system of towers that will pull down energy from the Ionosphere, making it possible to transmit electricity throughout the world without wires. In short, Free Energy for Everyone.
He Generated Electrical Energy, without any WindPower, SoLar Power, or any FueL. He was also able to broadcast Electrical Power through the Air without any wires.
The Power of the Pyramids, Finally Unveiled.
Nikola Tesla is the only scientist we should respect amongst all white men. If you have not heard of him, it's simply because THEY (to whom you pay your energy and gas bills) do NOT want you to know about Tesla's life-long dream to provide the entire Earth with FREE WIRELESS ENERGY!
Tesla invented the spark plug, the first A/C (Alternating-Current) electricity generator, the electric motor, induction motor, the Tesla turbine, fluorescent and neon lights, radio transmission (Tesla coil used in modern TVs and radios), wireless communications, wireless electricity transfer, remote control (boat), robotics, Tesla's oscillator (caused earthquakes in New York), discovered rotating magnetic fields, invented the electric car, vertical take-off aircraft (which appears to resemble an ion-propelled aircraft or modern stealth bombers), the Tesla principle, Tesla's Egg of Columbus, bifilar coil, HAARP (military weather modification), laser beams, X-Rays, particle beam weapons, "death ray" guns, and Reagan's "Star Wars" weapons. All this "advanced" science, although Tesla died before World War II.
Nikola Tesla is the father of the radio and the grandfather of modern wireless electrical transmission technology like our Internet and iPhones. Nikola Tesla registered over 700 patents worldwide. His vision included exploration of teleforce, telegeodynamics, electrogravitics, terrestrial stationary waves, solar energy and the power of the sea. Tesla foresaw interplanetary communications (1-2-3) and satellites. Nikola Tesla also knew Thomas Edison, J.P. Morgan, John Jacob Astor, Nathan Rothschild, Mark Twain, and Albert Einstein.
"All peoples everywhere should have FREE energy sources." [...] "Electric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need for coal, oil or gas."
— Nikola Tesla [http://americanbuilt.us/library/nikola-tesla.shtml]
In order for you to comprehend the power of electromagnetic melatonin, ether, and Scientific Spiritual Powers harnessed in Ancient KMT, You have to either know so much about Physics, or at least know who Nikolai Tesla is so that you can get a gist of what he knew, how he thought, and how he proved Ether is the medium by which Light/Energy traveled.
Nikola Tesla was black balled from public education for a profound reason. He was smarter and more of a Genius than Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison put together. Understanding him, or at least knowing of him will help to better explain the power of electromagnetic skin and the power of Ether, the Ankh, the Djed, and the Scepter.
360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe, Universal Wisdom, Supreme Intuitive Logic
video: Nikola Tesla - The secrets hidden in the pyramids of Egypt video
Roger Cultee I knew it ! "Ion Generators" !
Mario Jorell Robinson added 5 new photos from August 12.
August 12 · · 360˚/ø ² = ☥ =Å+Ω = π +ø = 〰〰
Temple of Solomon, Judaism or Djehuti Mysticism?
Auset Ra ELite Æthiopian ALkmist
You should already know by now that the Pyramids are designed to pull down energy (up to 2 billion volts) from the Ionosphere, making it possible to transmit electricity and broadcast without any wires.
(Generating electrical power without any fuel, oil, solar or wind power.)
Step 1 - The Sun provides the source of energy necessary to power the pyramids by sending negative ions into the Nile River in which through underground aquifers, physio electricity is transmitted through the special layer of rock(Amber) as the water flows up to the surface.
The Pyramid is built over the special rock in which the water flows to surface producing an electric current.
Step 2 - The Pyramid's underground chambers are granite conductors built within the rock charged with physio electricity. This electric current is connected directly to the upper parts of the Pyramid's granites covered subterranean chambers.
Granite is a very good conductor of electricity. The electromagnetic field that forms at the bottom of the pyramid is transmitted in concentrated form to the upper layers of the pyramid.
Step 3 - On the top of the Pyramid, should be a Solid Gold CapStone because gold is an excellent conductor of electricity.
The gold capstone facilitates a conductive path for the transfer of negative ions, from the emergence of the aquifer, though the chambers of the pyramid, straight up to the Ionosphere, inducting a fluctuating magnetic field around the pyramid and generating a live current.
Recap: transmit sounds and pictures between continents using an external source of electricity, applying wireless power transmission technology by discharging negative ions From an aquifer through a super conductor to the Ionosphere.
Step 4 - if in a thunder storm, the earth is struck by lightening, the force creates concentric waves which slowly expands to circle the world until it comes back to where it started. This proves that the earths crust is a conductor of electrical energy.
To purposely conduct energy and to direct it into the earth's crust, than that energy would travel in concentric waves with precision along the lines of longitude around the globe in an electrical system.
Step 5 - The Pyramids induced current goes around the whole Earth oscillating the entire network of aligned pyramids around the planet.
Everything, Thoughts, Voices & Pictures are all just electrical impulses that can be transmitted through the Ionosphere without wire, all you have to do to is stick an Antenna/Dipole/Chord/Scepter into the ground and energy is unregulated and free.
360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe, Universal Wisdom, Supreme Intuitive Logic
Mario Jorell Robinson added 5 new photos from August 12.
August 12 · · 360˚/ø ² = ☥ =Å+Ω = π +ø = 〰〰
Temple of Solomon, Judaism or Djehuti Mysticism?
Auset Ra ELite Æthiopian ALkmist
You should already know by now that the Pyramids are designed to pull down energy (up to 2 billion volts) from the Ionosphere, making it possible to transmit electricity and broadcast without any wires.
(Generating electrical power without any fuel, oil, solar or wind power.)
Step 1 - The Sun provides the source of energy necessary to power the pyramids by sending negative ions into the Nile River in which through underground aquifers, physio electricity is transmitted through the special layer of rock(Amber) as the water flows up to the surface.
The Pyramid is built over the special rock in which the water flows to surface producing an electric current.
Step 2 - The Pyramid's underground chambers are granite conductors built within the rock charged with physio electricity. This electric current is connected directly to the upper parts of the Pyramid's granites covered subterranean chambers.
Granite is a very good conductor of electricity. The electromagnetic field that forms at the bottom of the pyramid is transmitted in concentrated form to the upper layers of the pyramid.
Step 3 - On the top of the Pyramid, should be a Solid Gold CapStone because gold is an excellent conductor of electricity.
The gold capstone facilitates a conductive path for the transfer of negative ions, from the emergence of the aquifer, though the chambers of the pyramid, straight up to the Ionosphere, inducting a fluctuating magnetic field around the pyramid and generating a live current.
Recap: transmit sounds and pictures between continents using an external source of electricity, applying wireless power transmission technology by discharging negative ions From an aquifer through a super conductor to the Ionosphere.
Step 4 - if in a thunder storm, the earth is struck by lightening, the force creates concentric waves which slowly expands to circle the world until it comes back to where it started. This proves that the earths crust is a conductor of electrical energy.
To purposely conduct energy and to direct it into the earth's crust, than that energy would travel in concentric waves with precision along the lines of longitude around the globe in an electrical system.
Step 5 - The Pyramids induced current goes around the whole Earth oscillating the entire network of aligned pyramids around the planet.
Everything, Thoughts, Voices & Pictures are all just electrical impulses that can be transmitted through the Ionosphere without wire, all you have to do to is stick an Antenna/Dipole/Chord/Scepter into the ground and energy is unregulated and free.
360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe, Universal Wisdom, Supreme Intuitive Logic